About Me

Hi there!

Hello, it’s Maura here!

I’m a proud enthusiast of exclamation points, house plants, libraries, tennis, and volunteering. I love to photograph love, laughter, and passion. I enjoy looking for life, where others find none.

Four years ago, I started this to celebrate the Slice of Life Challenge. Now, it serves the same purpose during the month of March, only life is a little bit crazier.

Follow me on this journey!

You probably aren’t here oaccident, but in case you are, my name is Maura and I am so happy that you are on my blog! This blog is a public space for me to get out not-so-public thoughts.

This is my space to talk about all things–God, family, friends, school, dogs, and beyond. I will let out my emotions, and allow those who read it to see further into my heart than anyone else.

This is also a challenge to myself–to use my talents to inspire and help others to feel as though they are not alone.

I hope my words and pictures are able to touch you in some way! Let me know what you think!

With love,

Maura Colleen

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