
I adjust my scarf, seemingly for the millionth time in the past few minutes, so it covers more of my face. I hear a shuffling next to me, reminding me of my dog’s presence, her body barely staying above the mounds of snow that has fallen over the entire yard. Her excitement to walk with me out to the chicken coop almost every day, even though she can only go half way and watch me go the rest of the way on my own, I find astounding.

I continue my slow trudge and look to my left, only to see that the sun is setting in a display of pinks and oranges, reflecting off of the snow and creating a perfect sunset. A few steps later, approaching the rabbit cages, I see the two sets of beady brown eyes glance my way. I look first at the larger of the two, with brown and grey fur, and see her scamper up the stairs towards the food, of course. Only Paisley, I swear.

I take in the other rabbit with primarily white fur and black spots, appropriately named Pongo, and see him stare right back at me, or the hay I’m clutching and what will be his next meal.

I take in these two of the many animals I went to take care of, and can’t help but think that no matter how cold it may be, all of these rabbits, chickens, cats, and dogs make it worth it.


3 thoughts on “SOLSC-2/31”

  1. Great description, Maura! I wish I would’ve seen the sunset – caught a brief glimpse is all, so thanks for letting me experience it through your words.

    I didn’t realize you had so many animals either. Are you in 4H? Sounds like you really have a heart for these fluffy critters! Thanks for sharing today!

  2. Thanks! The sunset looked really cool and gave some hope for the upcoming spring. I’ve had them since I was little and my parents thought it would just be a “phase”. They were wrong. I’ve thought about doing it with my chickens, but with Avian Flu and all, that didn’t exactly work out.

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