
I look around, feeling like I was on top of the world. I tried countless times to get a good picture of all of the scenery, but failed because of multiple plants in the way. I huff and turn a different way trying to take a picture of the famous Hollywood Sign.

Eventually, I get a good picture, having to settle for iPhone quality, not used to not having my trusted Nikon. The picture comes out slightly fuzzy, due to the distance from the sign.

We walk to the edge of the observatory and I let out the breath I didn’t know I had been holding. The entire view of Hollywood to my right and Los Angeles right in front of my, displaying the traffic we had just fought through. The simplicity of the entire city amazed me. It seemed so claustrophobic when you were down in the city, with the heavy and unrelenting traffic, and the different sections of the city, but up here, everything was different. It all seemed so simple, when everything was so far away.

4 thoughts on “SOLSC-7/31”

  1. I love the description of your frustration, your acceptance of the reality of the picture and the contrast between what you felt from your perspective and what you remembered feeling “in” the city. Makes me think I should “huff and turn a different way” in my own life sometimes to get a fresh perspective! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Im so jealous that must have been amazing! I lobe the way you write about the changing feelings. It helps everyone feel what you felt.

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