
I look around the abandoned hallways, secretly rejoicing the silence of the afterschool hours, as I walk to the cafeteria and only see a few teachers on my way. I turn the corner, and finally arrive at my destination. I walk into the classroom, and finally see the folder I came all the way across the school for.

I walk back into the first computer lab of two, glancing out the set of red double doors surrounded by glass seeing yet another cool, cloudy spring day, only to smell the scent of “middle schoolers” in an extremely large dose. I keep walking, despite my nose’s protests, and feel the intense heat coming from the large windows to my right. How the multiple classrooms of eighth graders sit in here for an entire hour and accomplish anything, is beyond me.

I somehow manage to walk through the entire computer lab without passing out or gagging, and I arrive in my current safe haven, it would seem. It’s another computer lab of course, but this time, it smells of books (for some odd reason, but I’ll take it) and is one of the coldest rooms in the entire building. I sit at my computer and successfully manage to accomplish everything I need I needed to do.

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